Category Web

VPS: Hosting WordPress and Flat Websites Together with Apache

I have my own Virtual Private Server (VPS) on which I use the excellent Virtual Multiblog (d'oh - still haven't finished that post) to host multiple Wordpress sites on one server. I then wanted to consolidate some other sites I'm responsible for onto this VPS and save some hosting fees. I didn't want to rewrite them as Wordpress blogs though, and that left me trying to figure out how to host both types of site on one server using WAMP.

URL Shorteners and SEO/PageRank

Whilst browsing around on Twitter last night when I should really have been browsing the inside of my eyelids, I saw an interesting question from @euan: Wondering if shortened url’s count towards Google page rank …. Now my immediate…

Seamless CSS Updates

If you run a website, sometimes you need to make changes to the (X)HTML/CSS to fix or improve your website’s styling. Sometimes these changes can be pretty drastic in terms of layout changes. Browsers commonly cache CSS files. If a…