ABSTRACT.—Rhacophorus georgii is a poorly known species from southeast Asia. The morphology and
Marion Anstis and David Lockie, Journal of Herpetology, 2007
habitat of oviposition and the tadpole of Rhacophorus georgii are described, and counts of ovarian egg
compliments reported. Tadpoles were located in water pools in cavities of tree trunks in the Lambusango Reserve, Buton Island, southeast Sulawesi. The tadpole generally conforms to a lentic, benthic morphotype, with an anteroventral mouth, somewhat depressed body and notably elongated tail. Foamy egg masses were located attached to the trunks of trees, 1–3 cm above water-filled tree cavities. Ovarian egg complements recorded were 29–108. These findings make a significant contribution to the knowledge of the frog fauna of Sulawesi.
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