
Easy Thematic Favicons

Continuing with my modest efforts to post some useful Thematic/WordPress snippets, here’s some code to provide favicons for WordPress sites using Thematic child themes. Simply add this code to your child theme’s functions.php page: // Add favicons to the child…

Cufon :hover Fix

Just a quick post. I have implemented cufon for a client’s website to replace the titles with a nice new non-web-safe font. This code worked perfectly to replace the titles with the new font. Cufon.replace(‘h1’, { fontFamily: ‘Helvetica Neue LT…

iPhone, Twitter & Smugmug

I would love an app that let me use Smugmug as a Twitter photo service. Or, an iPhone->Smugmug photo uploader that automatically posts a link to Twitter. Posterous – I’m looking at you. Smugmug – I’m keeping a hopeful eye…