web3 – What do brands and agencies need to know?

This was an event for BIMA where I co-chair the blockchain council with Paula Pettit: https://bima.co.uk/events/web3-what-do-brands-agencies-need-to-know/

BIMA Blockchain Breakfast Briefing:

Web3 changes the rules, breaking away from traditional centralized models of the internet and moving towards a world where communities profit through collaboration and decentralization.

In the final BIMA blockchain event of the year, David Lockie and Paula Pettit host a breakfast briefing that aims to answer the most important question posed by Web3 for business leaders of today: what does this all mean for me?

We’ll look together at the many and varied success stories from across Web3 and discuss the threads shared by notable successes and failures. We’ll consider how ‘traditional’ Web2 businesses might be disrupted (or can evolve to make the most of) these trends.

Do Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) help address diversity and inclusion? Is Dogecoin a bubble or a sign of things to come? Are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) the key to secondary revenue for brands and content creators?


The session wasn’t recorded but it was a good time and the deck is available here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ElnACLuS1CAR3oaj6bynaVPNGQcsMckYFEH9VM0mKB8/

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