Why I'm Sad to See My Mo Go

I’ve been taking part in Movember 2009 – a worldwide initiative to raise awareness of prostate cancer through the growing of moustaches (“mo”s).

My top lip hasn’t seen a razor blade in 30 days now, and I figure that’s long enough to think about and mention. What effect has it had on me, how do I feel about it?

I wanted to participate to help raise money (through sponsorship) for a good cause, but equally as importantly, it’s a pretty easy thing to do in terms of raising sponsorship money. No running, jumping, swimming, eating nasty things or sitting in baked beans. I also wanted to do it because I thought it’d be fun. The month has lived up to expectation: it’s been easy, rewarding and amusing in equal measure.

It has been easy: for 95% of the time, I’ve totally forgotten about it. When it comes to shaving, it’s quicker and easier than normal. I’ve saved marginal amounts of shaving foam and wear and tear on my razor.

It has been rewarding: I’ve had a lot of love for the Mo. I’ve spoken to random people, been given attaboys by people I’ve never met before and I’ve definitely helped to raise awareness of prostate cancer in my own small way.

It has been fun: OK, so I said I forget about my Mo for 95% of the time. The other 5% is where the fun resides. Those second looks from people on the street, the laughs from friends on first sight of the Mo, the (admiring?) sideways glances. I’m positive that my Mo has had a subconscious effect on people I’ve met. If nothing else, my Mo has added an edge and subtle flavour to my life over the last month, and I’ve enjoyed that.

So, yes, I will be sad to see my Mo go. I’m looking forward to next year and maybe a more ambitious Mo.

Remember, there’s still time to sponsor me (just): http://uk.movember.com/mospace/21137

UPDATE: It’s now 3rd December. I still have my Mo. Maybe it’ll go next time I shave, but for now I’m quite happy letting it keep my top lip warm!

Here’s a look back at some of this month’s great MOments:

Week 1 - "the Chav"
Week 1 - "MOstly Chavvy"
Week 2 - Wilderness Mo
Week 2 - Wilderness Mo
Week 3 - Extreme Mose-Up
Week 3 - Extreme MOse-Up
Week 4 - MOst Serious
Week 4 - MOst Serious